The freedom of dressing, the freedom of being.
A style-filled place that includes everything and everyone. A space where opposites balance in harmony: nowness and timelessness, the known and the unknown, minimalism and maximalism.
Drawing inspiration from authentic humans, SUN ΦΛΕΡΤ honors the ones that do not settle; those whose personal style stands out, the fearless beings that go beyond trends, that experiment and travel and are always in exploration of everything new. The life adventurers.
SUN ΦΛΕΡΤ clothing is all about unexpected combos, diverse elements, easy silhouettes, minimal lines and unique details. Carrying that sexy cool mood, it addresses to both women and men. Solid colors, multiple layers, eye-catching inserts and skin-revealing cuts are the essence of the label.
A mixture of diverse things, cultures, signatures and contradictions all leading to an inclusive universe of color and texture, a world where individuality is celebrated while companionship is cherished.


ΦΛΕΡΤ :  /ˈfleɾt/ flirtingflirtationwooingthe act of being flirted with

The anticipation, the enthusiasm, the vitality.
Flirt is an essential craving of the soul. It’s the spice of life. It’s the force that moves you and keeps you going. Just like the luminous sunlight, flirt has a liberating intensity. When the world around you seems to be moving fast, flirt pauses time. Even in the moments that you don’t feel it in your body, flirt is always there. And it keeps coming back to you. Just like the sun. Surrender to its power and let it shake your existence. 
An ode to flirt. An ode to the sun. And to all the things that make us feel alive.
"We are the sun wanderers,
we keep on flirting."

Picked for you

sun-agria-dysi (1)
Inspired by the wild west, SUN ΑΓΡΙΑ ΔΥΣΗ brings all-time-classic Western references to today’s dressing. The collection consists of cowboy shirts, ranch-style pants, jacquard skirts and oversized jackets. Dark blue denims and desert-themed embroideries come to highlight the rodeo feel of the edit. For those who want to add a Western touch to their looks, the selection offers brass scarf...
sun alli epoxi
An era that time is elusive. An era that knows no past or future and goes beyond seasons. An era that individuality is honored and celebrated. Sun Άλλη Εποχή is all about being ourselves, expressing our desires and deepest feelings. 
She loves the sun. She loves summer. She loves flirting. She loves a glass of wine under the sunlight on a Monday. Who is she? She is independent, wild-spirited and free. She is a a romantic and a realist. Dressing up every morning makes her feel alive.  She is Sophia, founder of SUN ΦΛΕΡΤ.